All posts by Jason Prno

Social Licence to Operate

An analysis of factors leading to the establishment of a social licence to operate in the mining industry.

Presented in the journal Resources Policy (Volume 38, Issue 4, December 2013, Pages 577-590), this paper explores the concept of a ‘social licence to operate’ in the mining industry and suggests five lessons for earning a social licence from local communities.

The ‘Social Licence to Operate’: A key to sustainable mineral development

Prno, J. (Forthcoming). Guest statement – The ‘Social Licence to Operate’: A key to sustainable mineral development. In McAllister, M.L.,

and P.J. Fitzpatrick. (Forthcoming). Canadian mineral resource development: a sustainable enterprise? In Resource and Environmental Management in Canada: Addressing Conflict and Uncertainty, edited by B. Mitchell. Toronto, Ontario: Oxford University Press.

An analysis of factors leading to the establishment of a social licence to operate in the mining industry

An analysis of factors leading to the establishment of a social licence to operate in the mining industry.

Presented in the journal Resources Policy (Volume 38, Issue 4, December 2013, Pages 577-590), this paper investigates the concept of a ‘social licence to operate’ in the mining industry and suggests five lessons for earning a social licence from local communities.