Socio-Economic Research & Analysis
JPCSL provides a suite of socio-economic consulting services, tailored to the individual contexts we work in. We can assist in documenting baseline socio-economic conditions, performing traditional knowledge and land use studies, conducting impact assessments, and developing management plans to mitigate effects and maximize the positive contributions of resource development. We have expertise in a number of areas, but also provide custom research and analysis services as requested. Specifically, we provide socio-economic research and analysis services in the following areas:
- Socio-economic baseline studies
- Traditional knowledge and land use studies
- Social impact assessments
- Socio-economic management plans
- Program / policy analysis and review
- Climate change adaptation planning
- Third party review
- Customized research and analysis
Selected project experience:
Traditional Knowledge Study on the Arctic Char Fishery in a Northern Canada Watershed
2014 – Present
Design, management, and implementation of a traditional knowledge study in northern Canada. This study was conducted in support of Fisheries Act offsetting requirements and the environmental assessment process for a proposed gold mine in northern Canada. The study was also conducted in partnership with a local Hunters and Trappers Organization (HTO). Major tasks included study design, interview co-ordination and execution, traditional knowledge map production, data analysis and reporting, and community engagement.
Establishing a Social Licence to Operate Amidst Complexity: Issues and Opportunities for Mining Industry Governance
2009 – 2014
Lead researcher on a multi-year project that conceptualized the various obstacles and opportunities associated with establishing a ‘social licence to operate’ (SLO) in the mining sector. Case studies were conducted on mining operations in the United States, Canada, Peru, and Papua New Guinea; a comprehensive literature review was completed; and 50 key informant interviews were conducted with mining stakeholders and observers. As a result, a series of guidelines for establishing a SLO were developed, a framework for assessing SLO determinants and outcomes was created, the concept of a ‘resilient’ SLO was introduced and defined, and key issues and opportunities for mining industry governance were described. Involved in the design, preparation, execution, and reporting of the research. This research resulted in a number of peer-reviewed journal articles and conference presentations.
Mine Closure Plan Review to Assess Potential Traditional Land Use Effects
Member of a team that reviewed closure plan documents for a proposed gold mine in northern Ontario and pertinent Aboriginal land use studies. The results of this review contributed to a report assessing both the adequacy of existing documentation and potential traditional land use effects of the proposed development on a regional Aboriginal organization.
Traditional Knowledge Study
2011 – 2012
Lead interviewer for a traditional knowledge study in northern Ontario that assessed Aboriginal land use, harvesting and wildlife, and cultural resources for a regional Aboriginal organization. Also involved in study design, results preparation, and reporting. The results of this study have contributed to a report detailing northern Ontario land use and occupancy of a regional Aboriginal organization.
Traditional Knowledge Study
2007 – 2011
Design, management, and implementation of traditional knowledge studies in seven Aboriginal communities, in support of the environmental assessment process for a proposed iron ore mine. Major tasks included interview co-ordination, workshop facilitation, traditional knowledge map production, design of a traditional knowledge database, results reporting, community consultation, and managing the project’s translation program. These results contributed to the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement.
Review of Climate Change Considerations for a Northern Ontario Conservation Authority
2009 – 2010
Review of climate change projections, expected future impacts, and opportunities for adaptation in a northern Ontario source water protection area. This project resulted in a report prepared for a northern Ontario conservation authority.
Vulnerability of the Canadian Mining Sector to Climate Change
2008 – 2009
Involved in the design, research, and analysis of a Canada-wide assessment of climate change vulnerability in the mining sector. The project identified key vulnerabilities the sector will face with climate change and assessed potential adaptation options. Tasks included industry surveying; conducting a literature/scientific review; case study research in the Northwest Territories, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Quebec, and Labrador; data analysis; preparation of results for publication; and public presentation and dissemination of results. This research resulted in the preparation of a summary report, and a number of popular press and peer-reviewed journal articles.
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for the Community of Kugluktuk, Nunavut
2007 – 2008
Conducted a climate change vulnerability assessment for the community of Kugluktuk, Nunavut. The project identified key vulnerabilities the community will face with climate change and assessed potential adaptation options. Tasks included conducting a literature/scientific review, key informant interviews and focus groups in Kugluktuk, and preparation of results for publication. This research resulted in the preparation of a community report and a peer-reviewed journal article.