Pearce, T., J. Prno, J. Ford, F. Duerden, and D. Marshall (2008). Climate change and the Canadian mining sector: risks and responses.
Mining & Quarry World, 5(3): 10.
Prno, J. (2007). Have IBAs worked? Canadian Diamonds, Fall 2007: 32-40
Prno, J. (2007). Assessing the Effectiveness of Impact and Benefit Agreements from the Perspective of their Aboriginal Signatories.
MA Thesis, Department of Geography, University of Guelph.
Ford, J., T. Pearce, F. Duerden, J. Prno, and D. Marshall (2008). Climate change impacts on the Canadian mining sector.
Canadian Mining Journal Online, 6th April 2008.
Ford, J., T. Pearce, J. Prno, F. Duerden, L. Berrang-Ford, and D. Marshall (2008). Stormy days ahead: Weather changes pose
many threats to mining industry. Canadian Mining Journal, September 2008: 22-25.
Prno, J. (2008). We’re breaking up: Climate change and the northern mining industry. Up Here Business, November 2008: 24-29.
Pearce, T., J. Ford, J. Prno, F. Duerden (2009). Climate Change Impacts in the Canadian Mining Sector. Prepared for the David Suzuki Foundation.
Prno, J. (2009). Hearing the elders: Traditional knowledge and mining in the north. Up Here Business, November 2009: 47-53.
Pearce, T., J. Ford, A. Caron, J. Prno, and T. Smith (2010). Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan, Paulatuk, Northwest Territories.
Guelph, Ontario. Joint publication of the Community of Paulatuk and ArcticNorth Consulting: 53 pp. ISBN: 0-9865908-0-8
Pearce, T., J. Ford, A. Caron, J. Prno, and T. Smith (2010). Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan, Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories.
Guelph, Ontario. Joint publication of the Community of Ulukhaktok and ArcticNorth Consulting: 51pp. ISBN: 0-9865908-0-1
Prno, J., B. Bradshaw and D. Lapierre (2010). Impact and Benefit Agreements: Are they working? Paper presented at the Canadian Institute of Mining,
Metallurgy and Petroleum Annual Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, May 11, 2010.
Prno, J. (Forthcoming). Guest statement – The ‘Social Licence to Operate’: A key to sustainable mineral development. In McAllister, M.L.,
and P.J. Fitzpatrick. (Forthcoming). Canadian mineral resource development: a sustainable enterprise? In Resource and Environmental Management in Canada: Addressing Conflict and Uncertainty, edited by B. Mitchell. Toronto, Ontario: Oxford University Press.
Prno, J. (2014). Establishing a Social Licence to Operate Amidst Complexity: Issues and Opportunities for Mining Industry Governance. PhD Thesis,
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University.